Our skin produces sebum (natural oil) that moisturizes and protects it from external damage. However, due to hormones and genetics some of us secrete more sebum than others. This leads to blocked pores and inflammation, causing acne.

Acne can range from mild to severe, and also result in scarring. It significantly impacts the emotional well-being of a person.

Mythbuster: Facial oil does not block pores!


Tiny red bumps that look like a rash. These can occur sparingly or develop in clusters and are hard to touch. Timely treatment can prevent a full-blown acne problem.
Pustules Pimples
Infected papules with pus inside them. The pus is made up of white blood cells that collect to fight infection. These are discolored and require prompt action.
Hardened acne lesions under the surface of the skin that can’t break through to the skin’s outer layer. These are painful and distressing, and can cause indented, pit-like scars that require professional attention.
Large, painful lumps deep beneath the skin’s surface, that are hard and sensitive to touch. These are a severe form of acne and require long-term care if not prevented early.